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Development Path and Mode for Rural Revitalization in Qinba Mountain Area under the Nature Reserve System

Lei Huixia, Jing Bo, Zhu Yiping

Strategic Study of CAE 2020, Volume 22, Issue 1,   Pages 96-110 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.01.010

Abstract: revitalization and differentiated development modes are proposed, which accord with regional featuresA rural revitalization strategy suitable for the Qinba Mountain Area is also actively explored throughspecific measures, including adjustment of rural residential space, development of rural green industry,construction of rural characteristic landscape, and improvement of rural service system.revitalization can be realized in the Qinba Mountain Area by effectively coordinating the development

Keywords: Qinba Mountain Area     nature reserve system     rural revitalization     development model    

Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation in the New Stage: Challenges and Policy Recommendations

Cheng Guoqiang, Deng Xiuxin

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 5,   Pages 148-156 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.05.019

Abstract: that have been lifted out of poverty falling back into it is complicated in causes, and industries in ruralOther challenges remain, such as deficient rural medical services, drinking water safety in areas thathave shaken off poverty, and outdated rural governance that is out of tune with the new situation.residents, promoting the performance of rural industries, improving governance capacity in rural areas, conducting rural doctors training programs, and ensuring drinking water safety.

Keywords: return to poverty     low-income rural residents     rural revitalization     poverty alleviation industry     poverty    

Research on Japanese Rural Planning, Construction, and Governance

Feng Xu, Wang Kai, Ma Keni

Strategic Study of CAE 2019, Volume 21, Issue 2,   Pages 34-39 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.02.016


This paper delves into the rural orientation depicted in the 7th-editionJapanese spatial planning, rural planning guidelines and contents of typical regions, and rural governanceplanning, construction, and governance focus on traditional culture protection, characteristic industry revitalizationJapan’s experiences have reference significance for China in the aspects of future rural orientation, rural planning target and content, as well as division of rural grassroots governance.

Keywords: rural development orientation     rural planning     rural construction     rural governance     Japanese rural    

Review of challenges and strategies for balanced urban–rural environmental protection in China

Beidou XI,Xiaoguang LI,Jixi GAO,Ying ZHAO,Hongliang LIU,Xunfeng XIA,Tianxue YANG,Lieyu ZHANG,Xuan JIA

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 3,   Pages 371-384 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0744-z

Abstract: Compared with urban environmental protection, rural environmental protection has not been attached enoughAs a result, rural China is shouldering disproportionally heavy environmental burdens partly becauseof the differences and biases between urban and rural environmental protection seen in environmentalTo eliminate the gap between rural and urban environmental protection, and achieve the goal of “balancedurban–rural environmental protection” (BUREP), government should consider mapping out proper policies

Keywords: urban environment     rural environment     balanced urban–rural environmental protection     framework of balancedurban–rural environmental protection (BUREP)    

A comprehensive overview of rural solid waste management in China

Chao ZENG,Dongjie NIU,Youcai ZHAO

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 6,   Pages 949-961 doi: 10.1007/s11783-015-0816-8

Abstract: This paper aims to conduct a comprehensive review of rural solid waste (RSW) in terms of characteristicsSurvey results show that RSW generation rates range from 0.25 to 2.1 kg·(capita·d) in different rural

Keywords: rural solid waste     characteristics     management     legislation     China    

Micro-Intervention Rural Planning Based on Cultural Heritance

Guo Haian

Strategic Study of CAE 2019, Volume 21, Issue 2,   Pages 27-33 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.02.019


For a long time, rural planning has been following the system of urbanplanning and design, and the results of rural planning are expressed in general maps or aerial viewsUrban planning and design methods cannot be used directly to demarcate rural areas.the rural areas are transformed and revived using a progressive the new round of rural planning process in China.

Keywords: rural planning     micro-intervention planning     consequential     fault-tolerant     rural culture     rural revival    

Preliminary techno-economic analysis of three typical decentralized composting technologies treating rural

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1647-7


● Decentralized composting (DC) is a profitable KW treating technology.

Keywords: Techno-economic analysis     Sensitivity analysis     Rural kitchen waste     Decentralized composting     Organic    

Analysis and Research on Typical Cases of Land Engineering and Rural Sustainable Development

Li Yuheng , Wang Yongsheng, Yan Jiayu , Long Hualou, Liu Yansui

Strategic Study of CAE 2019, Volume 21, Issue 2,   Pages 40-47 doi: 15302/J-SSCAE-2019.02.013


This paper delves into the rural orientation depicted in the 7th-editionJapanese spatial planning, rural planning guidelines and contents of typical regions, and rural governanceplanning, construction, and governance focus on traditional culture protection, characteristic industry revitalizationJapan’s experiences have reference significance for China in the aspects of future rural orientation, rural planning target and content, as well as division of rural grassroots governance.

Keywords: land engineering,rural restructuring,rural vitalization,rural resilience,sustainable development    

Energy efficiency of rural residential buildings: a sustainable case study in Daping Village, Sichuan

Jiaping LIU, Rongrong HU, Liu YANG, Dalong LIU, Runshan WANG,

Frontiers in Energy 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1,   Pages 117-121 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0081-2

Abstract: A new type of rural residential building that is ecological, energy efficient and comfortable was designed

Keywords: rural residential building     energy efficiency     sustainability    

Effective interventions on health effects of Chinese rural elderly under heat exposure

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 5, doi: 10.1007/s11783-022-1545-4


● Education and subsidy were effective interventions during short-term heat exposure.

Keywords: High temperature     Health effect     Comprehensive evaluation     Intervention     Rural elderly    

Region-gridding recycling of bulk organic waste: Emerging views based on coordinated urban and rural

Wenbing Tan, Dongyu Cui, Xiaohui Zhang, Beidou Xi

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 6, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1291-4

Abstract: highlights the coordinated development of environmental, agricultural and energy elements in urban and rural

Keywords: Bulk organic waste     Recycling     Urban-rural coordination     Management system    

machine learning methods to determine the most important factors affecting road traffic accidents on rural

Hamid MIRZAHOSSEIN; Milad SASHURPOUR; Seyed Mohsen HOSSEINIAN; Vahid Najafi Moghaddam GILANI

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 5,   Pages 657-666 doi: 10.1007/s11709-022-0827-z

Abstract: statistical and intelligent models for predicting the severity of road traffic accidents (RTAs) on rural

Keywords: safety     rural accidents     multiple logistic regression     artificial neural networks    

Future Development of Natural Villages in Rural China Based on the Analysis of Dissipative Structure

Shan Ming, Liu Yanqing, Ma Rongjiang, Nie Yazhou, Ding Xingli,Lai Zemin, Yang Xudong

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 1,   Pages 141-148 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.01.003

Abstract: development, and industrial structure adjustment are decreasing the number of permanent residents in ruralareas in China on a yearly basis; the rural population is aging and the natural villages are graduallyConsidering the overall situation of rural natural villages in China, we selected a typical village inThis study analyzes the idle situation of rural houses and the population distribution in the rural areas

Keywords: natural village, rural hollowing,dissipative structure theory,rural development    

Energy and environment in Chinese rural housing: Current status and future perspective

Xudong YANG, Yi JIANG, Ming YANG, Ming SHAN,

Frontiers in Energy 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1,   Pages 35-46 doi: 10.1007/s11708-010-0001-5

Abstract: A large scale national survey of energy consumption and indoor environment quality of China’s ruralpoor indoor environment pose significant challenges to the sustainable development of China’s ruralStrategies for sustainable and environmentally appropriate energy development in rural areas are recommended

Keywords: rural energy     energy-saving     sustainability    

Role of rural solid waste management in non-point source pollution control of Dianchi Lake catchments

LU Wenjing, WANG Hongtao

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2008, Volume 2, Issue 1,   Pages 15-23 doi: 10.1007/s11783-008-0006-z

Abstract: management system was proposed and implemented based on the waste disposal situation and characteristics of ruralAs the key technology in rural solid waste treatment, both centralized plant-scale composting and a dispersed

Title Author Date Type Operation

Development Path and Mode for Rural Revitalization in Qinba Mountain Area under the Nature Reserve System

Lei Huixia, Jing Bo, Zhu Yiping

Journal Article

Consolidating and Expanding the Achievements of Poverty Alleviation in the New Stage: Challenges and Policy Recommendations

Cheng Guoqiang, Deng Xiuxin

Journal Article

Research on Japanese Rural Planning, Construction, and Governance

Feng Xu, Wang Kai, Ma Keni

Journal Article

Review of challenges and strategies for balanced urban–rural environmental protection in China

Beidou XI,Xiaoguang LI,Jixi GAO,Ying ZHAO,Hongliang LIU,Xunfeng XIA,Tianxue YANG,Lieyu ZHANG,Xuan JIA

Journal Article

A comprehensive overview of rural solid waste management in China

Chao ZENG,Dongjie NIU,Youcai ZHAO

Journal Article

Micro-Intervention Rural Planning Based on Cultural Heritance

Guo Haian

Journal Article

Preliminary techno-economic analysis of three typical decentralized composting technologies treating rural

Journal Article

Analysis and Research on Typical Cases of Land Engineering and Rural Sustainable Development

Li Yuheng , Wang Yongsheng, Yan Jiayu , Long Hualou, Liu Yansui

Journal Article

Energy efficiency of rural residential buildings: a sustainable case study in Daping Village, Sichuan

Jiaping LIU, Rongrong HU, Liu YANG, Dalong LIU, Runshan WANG,

Journal Article

Effective interventions on health effects of Chinese rural elderly under heat exposure

Journal Article

Region-gridding recycling of bulk organic waste: Emerging views based on coordinated urban and rural

Wenbing Tan, Dongyu Cui, Xiaohui Zhang, Beidou Xi

Journal Article

machine learning methods to determine the most important factors affecting road traffic accidents on rural

Hamid MIRZAHOSSEIN; Milad SASHURPOUR; Seyed Mohsen HOSSEINIAN; Vahid Najafi Moghaddam GILANI

Journal Article

Future Development of Natural Villages in Rural China Based on the Analysis of Dissipative Structure

Shan Ming, Liu Yanqing, Ma Rongjiang, Nie Yazhou, Ding Xingli,Lai Zemin, Yang Xudong

Journal Article

Energy and environment in Chinese rural housing: Current status and future perspective

Xudong YANG, Yi JIANG, Ming YANG, Ming SHAN,

Journal Article

Role of rural solid waste management in non-point source pollution control of Dianchi Lake catchments

LU Wenjing, WANG Hongtao

Journal Article